Synopsis: An ordinary Lego construction worker, thought to be the prophesied 'Special', is recruited to join a quest to stop an evil tyrant from gluing the Lego universe into eternal stasis.
Review:The Lego Movie manages to avoid the trap of becoming a glorified, hour and forty minute commercial. And though the pace of the gags and visuals can reach binge like levels,
the final act shows how to build a creative vehicle with heart and imagination. (B)
What do yo get when you combine the vocal styling of Chrisette Michele, the rawness of MC Lyte, and the playful, sensuality of Adina Howard? You get an artist that I was fortunate enough to experience, and meet, at this years' Art of Cool Festival: Maimouna Youssef aka Mu Mu Fresh ! I'm pretty sure that after you have listened to this MC, you will have a bevy of reasons to "Stay"!
Synopsis: An aspiring poet in a troubled marriage sparks with a new man who helps her find her artistic voice.
Review: The wonderful auditory and visual aspects of Things Never Said, i.e. cinematography and the poetic selections, are marred by an unnecessarily, profanity laced script and some stock acting. (C)
Just in time for the warm weather, this airy selection by Ms. Moses is the perfect backdrop to top, or windows, down cruising to a fun-filled destination of choice. Just make sure you've practiced your two step!
(Verse 1)
You have captivated me in every way
From the time we met, still until this day
Oh boy, you got me... caught up... with you
Simple as the time we spent I'll tell you this
I'll do anything cause the truth is
Boy you really got me... caught up... with you
And I'm sayin, and I'm sayin, boy
I want to be none less than wifey
You half-*** the rest
But you watch your step with me
See, I know and you know that we are
Ready for love
Oh-oh, oh, oh, oh
Ooh-ooh... you got me
Oh-oh, oh, oh, oh
Ooh-ooh... now keep me
(Verse 2)
I ain't quick to fall for all that game they run
They think a broad is dumb, though I know the time
Still boy, you got me... caught up with you
We gon' get it all straight now, I ain't here to waste my time
The day you flip's the day I'm out
Still it don't change the fact you got me... caught up with you
I want to be none less than wifey
You half-*** the rest
But you watch your step with me
See, I know and you know that we are
Ready for love
Oh-oh, oh, oh, oh
Ooh-ooh... you got me
Oh-oh, oh, oh, oh
Ooh-ooh... now keep me
You know that you got me caught up with you, baby
And it's so wonderful
But you got to give all of yourself if you want me
All that I'm sayin is
I want to be none less than wifey
You half-*** the rest
But you watch your step with me
See, I know and you know that we are
Ready for love
Oh-oh, oh, oh, oh
Ooh-ooh... you got me
Oh-oh, oh, oh, oh
Ooh-ooh... now keep me
By Lisa Hunter As women we tend to be drawn to what we view as security. The larger the income the more secure right? Not so with the six figure negro. You can't find security with someone that is entitled "SNF" demands perfection? In all fairness this is not always the case, but many black men that have "arrived", display some of the same characteristics.
Lack of humility: The ability to lower oneself or be taught. Not this brother! No he's the cream of the crop, why else would he have this position in life. In fact, he's privy to inside, universal knowledge that only he & God can understand because he's risen above us average Negros.
Lack of Faith: Speaking of God. These fellas often have their own brand of faith that supports their lifestyle. My life is blessed so there must be someone higher, but I'm too intelligent to follow a set religion. Hey, I'm so bright I'll just make it up as I go. The cult of self.
Image driven: I take "selfies" with my car and only do designer brands. Does that include women too? Well if she's going to be seen with me she better have the best weaves, clothes and nails, or just be white.
Sense of entitlement: Yes I'm entitled to the best and will accept nothing less. So you better be at your best if you want to be with me. But no one is ever good enough for long since we're mere humans and all. But of course it's not his fault.
We're all searching for something, happiness, love, truth. Maslo's Hierarchy of needs states that once our basic needs are fulfilled our focus shifts to love, esteem, and self actualization. Interesting that these men have way beyond the basics, but their inflated sense of self prevents them from truly loving someone, their esteem is based on material goods, and how can you have self actualization without a steady moral compass. So there sits the six figure negro alone with his toys, blaming women for what he lacks in himself.
So security...I'm not saying that there's honor in starvation, but work with the basics. How about a normal man with the "basics," materially, but an elevated heart and soul.
Synopsis: Jon, a young wanna-be musician, discovers he's bitten off more than he can chew when he joins an eccentric pop band led by the mysterious and enigmatic Frank.*
Review: The poster does not begin to describe the eccentricities and quirk you'll experience and for that very reason, Frankand his motley crew are worth getting acquainted with. (A-)
I always chuckle when people call this brother "Tony! Tone! Toni! Yes, "Diq" has been putting it down since the late eighties. Sadly, he has not received the recognition he so rightfully deserves! If it were not for me watching a slightly, above average Jonah Hill film, I would have never came across this soulfully, somber, yet uplifting track. Sometimes life just "be(s) that way".
(Verse 1)
Let me tell you about my day, it's such a very long day It started around seven and I can hear her pray That is why I love Sunday mornings even when it was cold There was always something burning that was good for my soul
As I walk through the yard I could feel your presence Giving me the time of my life and showering me with life's lessons Now I know what they mean when they say keep your head to sky And don't be to quick to fit in and don't feel you have to try
This road is strange, so strange it is You know it really hurts inside yeah, sometimes No matter how good you are to people you know They'll make you cry sometimes, sometimes
(Verse 2)
I am so proud people see the young man I came to be With lifelong struggles you kept a smile on my face And as I am looking all around me I say how can I ever repay you? Mama was worth more than gold and she always tried to tell me
This road is strange, so strange, strange my dear You know it really hurts inside yeah, sometimes And no matter how good you are to people you know They'll make you cry sometimes yeah, sometimes
(Verse 3)
There's have been a few days when people truly let me down And said crucial things just to bring me down And they will rob beg and cheat just for the own self-motives and greed But I guess it ain't nothing new just something I gotta go through
This road is strange, so strange it is You know it really hurts sometimes yeah, sometimes No matter how good you are to people you know They'll make you cry sometimes yeah, sometimes
Now how much more can I take before I shot to kill Don't let them mess with your heart 'Cause what you feel is very real, yeah, yeah
You know it makes me cry sometimes baby, sometimes Yes it does Out of all the days and all the stories you taught me about You know it still hurts inside yeah, sometimes, sometimes
I go through life with my hands in the air saying oh Lord help me there Oh, it hurts sometimes baby, sometimes, sometimes Nobody can tell me better than you about these things I will go through Oh, it hurt sometimes baby, sometimes, sometimes
The plight of the teen mother can be an arduous one! Usually, these individuals are shunned or look down upon by their community, lack the necessary resources to adequately raise their child or children, and have bouts with the reality of motherhood. This is not to say that children born into this scenario don't grow up to be successful. Rather the challenges faced, by all parties involved, can be quite numerous and daunting! That is why I want to celebrate Dr. Vickie McBride. Not only did she witness the very child she had at the age of 13, Maurice McBride, receive his PhD, but she was able to walk that same stage as she received hers as well! This story was so moving because it demonstrates that just because one finds him or herself in this particular family structure, does not mean the success of those who make up said household should be written off as unfathomable! No, the human spirit is an enduring force and stories, such as these, should receive more national attention. To learn more about the McBrides, simply click here. -CogNegro Out
By Jason Albert As a young adult, the one place that I dreamed of going to was none other than, you guessed it....the Strip Club! Oh the debauchery and indignities that took place in that dark establishment of sin. There I was, 18 years old with money to burn and raging hormones! Naturally, I put that green, wad of cash, that burning a hole in my pocket, to good use by paying it forward. My eager young fingers slipped those thin green pieces of currency into the G-strings of girls, with names like Cinnamon and Luscious, as they suggestively gyrated and seduced me with their hypnotic hips while maneuvering on their stationary silver accomplice! Some of these women were beautiful and had the magnetism of Goddesses. Others had bodies like J. Lo with faces like Medusa. But I digress... Back then, and maybe even now, strippers were like forbidden fruit; great to look at and dream about but you never wanted to take one home to Mom and Pops. For most, they were a getaway from the normal everyday hustle and bustle of life. After all, someone had to entertain old men and horny adolescents. Strippers were not glorified and they were often looked down upon. Now, granted male or female, we have all been in a strip club at some point ,tossed our dollars and enjoyed the show, but we lived in reality and realized many of these women didn't have a choice in their profession. Fast forward a few years. Being a stripper nowadays is a glorified profession. In times where women fight for equal pay and other rights in society, you have a new demographic ready to go back to Brothel like days by selling their bodies for fame. Now, don't get me wrong! This is not an attack on strippers at all. In fact, I am quite fond of you if you are one, but the message being sent to the younger generation is all out of whack. We live in an era where technology rules all, and with sites like Twitter, Instagram and Vine; pictures and videos of women being half or fully nude shaking their asses and covered in dollar bills is sending a certain message…and it’s the wrong one! For these young women, they see this as a means to get money quickly. "Oh if I have have a big butt and big breasts people will give me money." Some of these women are hustlers and extremely smart, but the majority are dumber than the silicone that permeates their bodies. Children see these women on reality shows and in clubs with famous people and think that it is the life to live. We have more Nya Lee's on TV shows like Love and Hip Hop instead of girls aiming to be the next Clair Huxtable's (Lawyer) from The Cosby Show. As for the young men, they see all these women striving to be strippers or sex objects by twerking and being fast in school and it's all they know. Their mentality is so twisted that they don't know how to approach a woman because they only know stripper or derogatory lingo. I hear young men nowadays talking about women in the most degrading ways because the majority of women they deal with are cool with it, allowing themselves to be called whatever as long as someone’s making it rain in their direction. Men don't know how to treat women anymore because women have become fascinated with fast money and allow themselves to be treated any kinda way. Stripping is the female version of the Crack game (minus the police) unless you’re using The Boom Boom room too much. Until there is a mentality change towards our ideals you can't knock the hustle.