Monday, November 7, 2016

Reel Talk: Doctor Strange

Release Date: November 4th, 2016

Synopsis: A former neurosurgeon embarks on a journey of healing only to be drawn into the world of mystic arts.

Review:  By now, you should come to expect that Marvel Studios has a knack for taking obscure properties and transforming them into successful vehicles for mass consumption. Luckily for comic fanatics, and the like, Doctor Strange continues Marvel's winning streak. Staying faithful to Steve's Ditko's vision, the character's co creator and original artist, Dr. Strange provides moviegoers with some of the most dazzling and mind-bending set pieces and action sequences ever delivered in a comic book movie. However, CGI alone does not a successful adaptation make. At the heart of Marvel's latest film is the fantastic and accurate portrayal of the titular character brought to us by the talented Benedict Cumberbatch. With a cinematic universe already occupied by a number of snarky and tongue in cheek characters, Cumberbatch's Strange is able to exude a certain ethos that serves him well in separating himself from the other Marvel leads.Though this movie still fails at providing viewers with a villain as  memorable as Thomas Hiddelston's Loki, the threat is magnanimous enough to compensate for the story's lack of a truly three dimensional antagonist. Nevertheless, seeds are planted for this to be an issue of the past as it relates to this franchise.
Finally, Dr. Strange provides opens a gateway to a realm of the Marvel cinematic universe that is replete with outer worldly stories and characters. Thus, increasing the anticipation for its' sequel and the inevitable inclusion of such elements in future Marvel films. Of course, it wouldn't be a Marvel Studio's offering with out well placed humor, pop cultural references, and Easter Eggs so keep your eyes peeled and ears open to catch them all. I shouldn't have to remind you to do this but hey, Stranger things have happened, no? (A-) CgN