by Da CogNegro:
CogNegro's Take: Thor:Raganarok currently holds the distinction of being the most critically acclaimed Marvel film ever. That's quite the achievement especially when one looks at the pedigree of movies that have been released under the studio's banner. Films such as Iron Man, The Avengers & Captain America:Winter Solider have become the standard bearer when it comes to comic book adaptations. However, Thor's series of films have been a mixed bag. The first one was mildly enjoyable. However,contrary to popular opinion, its' successor definitely was an improvement.
No matter where you stand, when it comes to those previous films, rarely do either of them crack anyone's top five. So does Ragnarok buck the trend? Yes (mostly).Thor's third outing is robust with colorful characters, humor, and enchanting action. There is rarely a dull moment or a stage in which the viewer's senses aren't enthralled. Furthermore, the film is mostly successful at blending a variety of comic story lines that enthusiast will recognize immediately. This results in a grand, unique experience when comparing in to other Marvel Films
So what's the problem? Well, ever heard of the expression that too much of a good thing can be a issue? I love the fact that Marvel Studios has been successful at including comedic elements into its' films. However, if every character has the comedic snark of Robert Downing Jr, the mystique quickly fades and the unique characteristics of central and, in this case, supporting characters gets lost in snappy banter. Furthermore, some dramatic moments were not allowed to thrive due to the injection of knee jerk quips or needless slapstick. I also had a gripe on how the ruthless Executioner was neutered in his depiction. Aside from those blemishes, Thor: Ragnarok is an enjoyable ride that will make even the Gods proud! (B+)-CgN